Adrian Morgan: Nautical Terminology, Ropes and Social Media || Classic Boat

Adrian Morgan: Nautical Terminology, Ropes and Social Media || Classic Boat

Adrian Morgan treats us to his monthly column, a reflection on the world of social media, ropes jargon and nautical terminology.

Sailing and Social Media Misinformation

You may have noticed how every large, old, possibly wooden, gaff-rigged (maybe) sailing yacht is now a J Class, judging by the reactions on social media to a splendid photo of any large, old, possibly wooden yacht. Why do we go there? It only makes us angry! Invariably after the first, wearisome, predictable exclamation of “Awesome!”, you will be forced to endure posts from those who claim the photo is “definitely a J Class”. 

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Is There a Doctor Aboard? || Cruising World

Is There a Doctor Aboard? || Cruising World

Top 10 Reasons to go Weeknight Racing || Scuttlebutt Sailing News

Top 10 Reasons to go Weeknight Racing || Scuttlebutt Sailing News